On 23rd of July we had visitors from the German Car Show who did a charity drive from Papa Mambo Gayaza road to buwambo with an aim of finding were to create an impact in the community of buwambo, They visited some of the schools were some of the children in the foundation study from to find out the challenges and conditions in which the schools are in.
Some of the schools which were visited included King’s Way Nursery and Primary School, Buwambo Junior School and they addressed challenges like Having un finished floors of classes, school fees payment is poor, pit latrines being full and children have nowhere to ease themselves from, Water sources i.e the school has to buy the water week to serve the school which is very expensive.
The visitors talked to the school Headmasters and promised to work with them and solve the challenges as a way of creating an impact in the community and to see that children have a safe stay in school. We also had lunch with the children at the community playground, Had drinks, played games and also had some music to dance too.
Lastly after we were done with food the visitor had a talk with the children, parents and guardians.

• To look for a place were an impact can be created.
• To visit some of the schools were some of the children study from and find out the challenges they are having.
• To have a talk with the children and also to share a lunch with them.
• TO do their charity drive as they had scheduled
• To make donations to the organization.

• The visitors paid visits to the schools as they wanted too and they got to know the challenges schools are facing, they promised to work with the organization and solve them.
• Children had fun through dancing, Bible sharing sessions and games.
• Children enjoyed share the lunch with the visitors.
• The charity drive was successful as it was planned from Gayaza road to buwambo.
• The visitors had a good time talking to the children and making tour in the community.

• We were affected by the weather changes whereby it was sunny day then it abruptly rained during the serving hour and things became distracted.
• The food which was prepared wasn’t enough to be served to children, parent, guardians and the visitors.
• The was poor time management by the visitor whereby they reached late depending on the agreed time and they were not able to visit other schools.
• Less funds to cater for the needed resources like buying food, drinks and other things needed in cooking.
• Confusion of the visitors whether they are coming or not caused some of the team members not to be available on that day.


• The visitors who are planning to go see the children should always be informed that they should be well prepared and they should bd informed that children can’t be talked to on empty stomach.
• The visitors should always be sure of what they want to do to avoid confusion on both sides.
• The organization should put up laws for visitors, donors to follow before visiting the children.
• The organization should do their level best to see that we get a roofed facility where children can be incase it rains.
• The visitors should plan their visits in time so that they can raise enough funds to cater for their visits.

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