About us

We are enthusiastic about supporting the unprivileged kids on streets and orphans anywhere in Uganda to provide them with a safe environment where they can live, learn and grow to be self-reliant.

This holistic approach aims to pave a clear path for not only the current generation of young children but also for those who will follow. By addressing the root causes and offering support across the entire spectrum of society, Great Child Foundation is working towards creating lasting and meaningful change in the lives of Uganda’s most vulnerable populations.

Great Child Foundation

Former Street Kids Unite: Empowering Others through Great Child Foundation.

Great Child Foundation demonstrates an unwavering commitment to uplifting the most vulnerable children and communities in Uganda. This includes those who find themselves living on the streets, orphaned, or affected by the harsh realities of poverty, HIV & Aids, and other challenging circumstances. The organization’s primary objective is to establish a secure and nurturing environment where these children can not only survive but also thrive, enabling them to learn and grow. Moreover, Great Child Foundation extends its efforts to empower these communities, equipping them with the essential resources and tools necessary to forge a brighter future.Recognizing the need to address the underlying causes that that lead children to the streets, the organization has expanded its its focus.It now encompasses initiatives that provide support to young women, mothers, and the broader community. 

The situation of children with vulnerabilities in Uganda’s city centers and suburbs is deeply concerning. Recent estimates suggest that there are more than 20,000 children in this distressing circumstance, with their ages typically ranging from seven to seventeen years old. Unfortunately, this number continues to grow steadily due to a variety of evident factors and challenging circumstances. Among these vulnerable children, there are many who are refugees, having fled their homes due to instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan. However, a significant portion of these vulnerable children hails from impoverished Ugandan families. These children often leave their homes in search of a better future, but tragically find themselves destitute on the streets, exposed to exploitation and various dangers.
The reasons for these children ending up on the streets are multifaceted. Some are driven by extreme poverty, harsh conditions at home, abandonment, school dropout, and food shortages. Many come from larger families, especially those with new step-parents who may not provide adequate care for all the children in the family. Additionally, the prevalence of AIDS in Uganda, which is one of the highest in the world, has left a devastating impact. Approximately 800,000 children have been orphaned due to AIDS-related deaths, out of a total orphan population of around 1.6 million children.
The plight of these street children underscores the urgent need for comprehensive support, social programs, and interventions to address the root causes of their vulnerability. It’s a complex issue that requires a collective effort from government, NGOS, and the community to ensure that every child in Uganda has access to a safe and nurturing environment, education, and opportunities for a better future.

Mission, Vision & Values

Our Vision

Creating a safe environment for every child 

Our Mission

‘‘To protect and empower vulnerable children with skills, love, homes and hope for a brighter future through strengthening their status in society hence providing them with physical, psychological, cultural, education, and spiritual care so as to mentor them into responsible adults’’

Core Values

Faith, Family, Creativity, Fun, Individualization and Confidentiality

Goals & Target groups

Our Goals

  1.  To provide a safe home for every vulnerable child
  2. To educate as many children as possible all over Uganda to reduce the levels of illiteracy
  3. To ensure good health and food security for all vulnerable children in Uganda
  4. To Combat poverty among vulnerable children through enabling self-reliance
  5. To enforce Child Rights
  6. To empower and support adolescent girls and women

Our Target Groups

  • Vulnerable / less privileged children (Orphans, Street kids),
  • Youth (Adolescent girls and boys),
  • Women

Our Model

We run a community-based care model for the children and families.
Our model leverages on partnerships to deliver welfare, good health and quality education to vulnerable children.
Our model comprises of three pillars:

1. Secure

We begin our efforts by conducting a thorough community and on-ground survey to gather comprehensive information. This data guides us in identifying and reaching out to children facing vulnerabilities. Subsequently, we assess each case individually, recognizing that the reasons for their vulnerability vary. This assessment informs our next steps. With the consent of the children and their guardians, we then establish formal and legal relationships with probation and social welfare authorities.

2. Nurture

We employ an innovative home-based approach to cultivate these children into law-abiding citizens who embrace Christian values. Our aim is to provide them with a genuine and nurturing home environment, characterized by the warmth of love, a strong work ethic, unwavering integrity, and a sense of hope.
We focus on;
Home based care, Counseling Support and Family engagement.

3. Prevent

Our primary goal through this nurturing process is to achieve a complete transformation of these children, effectively breaking the vicious cycle of their predicament.
At this stage, our focus primarily centers on proactively preventing unfortunate experiences that often befall children and women before they happen. We achieve this through our comprehensive sensitization efforts.
These efforts encompass a range of activities, including:
Child Advocacy: We actively advocate for children’s rights and welfare, promoting policies and practices that safeguard their well-being.
Rights and Policy Advocacy: We engage in advocacy work aimed at advancing the rights of children, working to influence policies that protect and support their development.
“Great Women” Initiative: We undertake a program dedicated to sensitizing both young and older women about the significance of financial independence. We also provide crucial education to adolescent girls about the risks associated with early marriages and teenage pregnancies. Our goal is to equip them with the knowledge they need to make informed and positive life choices.
Through these multifaceted efforts, we strive to create a brighter future for children and women, proactively preventing potential challenges and empowering them to lead fulfilling lives.

Our Team

Kibuuka Isaac, CEO

Kibuuka Isaac,


Murungi Fred, communications and dissemination coordinator.

Murungi Fred,

Communications and Dissemination Coordinator.

Nalubowa Elizabeth, finance officer.

Nalubowa Elizabeth,

Finance officer.




Achieng Suzan, Fundraising and partnership coordinator.

Achieng Suzan,

Fundraising and partnership coordinator.

Kiwanuka Achelles, project Officer.

Kiwanuka Achelles,

Project Officer.

Mugisha Racheal, Fundraising and partnership officer.

Mugisha Racheal,

Fundraising and Partnership officer.

Martha kirungi,legal and public relations officer

Martha kirungi,

Legal and Public Relations Officer

Nakiwewa Nashibah, Accountant Assistant

Nakiwewa Nashibah,

Accountant Assistant

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