Our Approach

The Approach

Uganda has shown great efforts in improving access to education, employment and social services for its population. However, women and girls, making up more than half of the country’s population, are still lacking behind and face severe challenges in everyday life, with fundamental consequences on their future

According to the human rights protection of the vulnerable groups, women and girls are ranked top of the list out of the twelve groups. This is because like other groups they have been traditionally victims of violation and thus require special protection for equal and effective enjoyment of their rights like any other person in society.

Great child foundation is being no expectation in taking a stand to empower this most important group of society as it natures and is to a high extent responsible for everything including life itself in any community.

Our arm to support women and girls is coming to society through the sisterhood-wake up my sister campaign. The program aims at enabling women and girls enjoy and live in their communities with more ease despite their vulnerability and this will be through

Women and Girls Empowerment

Once their health, families and rights are in place, this group of society should be in position to self sustain themselves which also reduces the chances of falling victims of violation and exploitation due to over dependence on others.

This is realized by creating projects and trainings in which women are involved and guided to create businesses or acquire skills that make them equally competitive in a man dominated job and business market

Rights and Policy Advocacy Program

It’s important for anyone to well know their rights and responsibilities in order to live as a responsible, reliable citizen and women and girls are no different. Though those that are in a more vulnerable state are usually deprived of knowledge about these rights and what to do when they are violated.

In this program women and girls work in hand with responsible authorities and networks to create this kind of awareness, bringing rescue to those whose rights are violated.

Health and relationship management:

Girls and women are trained, equipped with skills and resources that will empower them live healthy lives and also involve in meaningful and violence-free relationships with their partners, families and the community as a whole.

Great Child Foundation.This program is also a platform through which they can advocate such that policies that concern them are made in their favor.

"In our skilling we leverage on the power of digital to fully prepare our children for a better future."

Our Sponsorship

Individual Sponsors
When you sponsor a child, you aren’t just enabling them to attend school you’re also provide essential support so they can remain within a family with good welfare. These sponsored children receive:
  • School tuition
  • Medical treatment
  • Textbooks
  • Healthy meals
  • Uniforms
  • School supplies
  • Savings for their future education
Child to Adult Sponsorship
90% of Children aged 18 – 20 years are leaving high school to join university, vocational institute or even start a career as self employed. You can give hope to young adults aging out in our PREPARE pillar by providing them with entrepreneurship skills, opportunities and resources needed for a student to earn their college degree while also learning what it means to be a successful independent adult. You can still with;
  • Mentorship and tutoring in different careers
  • Medical care
  • Transportation to and from school
  • Accommodation and meals at their university or vacation institutes
  • scholastic materials
  • Invaluable encouragement knowing that there are people who believe in them!
  • Startup capital for entrepreneurs
Partnership Sponsors
In order to create a society of conscious, self-determined and strong women, they need to be in control of their own bodies, time and life. We conduct menstrual hygiene campaigns and talk about sexual- and reproductive health, to reduce on early pregnancies, maternal mortality and sexual transmittable diseases such as HIV/Aids. We teach both, men and women, on the importance of equal rights and opportunities for all and put special attention on gender perspectives throughout all our work, to eliminate gender bias and discrimination and enhance equality on all levels of society
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